Decarbonize your supply chain at the product-level

CarbonBright streamlines supplier emissions measurement by leveraging our product-level predictive modeling engine to provide a baseline view of your Scope 3 emissions. Our Supplier Engagement module then helps you invite and collect primary data from your suppliers, define reduction goals, and work together to reduce Scope 3 emissions across your supply chain.

Measure supplier emissions, rapidly
CarbonBright streamlines supplier emissions measurement by leveraging our product-level predictive modeling engine to provide a baseline view of your Scope 3 emissions, in hours, not weeks.
Analyze supply-chain hotspots
Gain valuable insights and prioritize your most relevant emissions hotspots with granular emissions data, then drill down into specific suppliers to take the most effective action to reduce impact.
Engage and take action, together
Engage with your suppliers, and work together towards reducing their emissions –enabling efficient collaboration across your entire value chain.

Let’s work together! Here’s how CarbonBright works:

Actionable and quantifiable insights, in minutes. Accelerate your supply-chain decarbonization journey with our intuitive, world-leading software platform.
CarbonBright's Digital Platform for LCA

Successful organizations tackle Scope 3 emissions by prioritize decarbonization across four key areas

Leading firms redesign their operations to embed sustainability in key processes, from supplier engagement, new product development, and procurement – all support decarbonizing the supply chain.
1. Supplier Management
2. Procurement
3. Product Design
4. Value Chain Engagement
Help Suppliers reduce their carbon footprint
Select and prioritize volume to greener suppliers
Reduce footprints of products
Create partnerships across the value chain
Set carbon emission requirements for your suppliers (eg. commit to SBTi)
Design incentives to encourage supplier decarbonization
Share best practices
Collaborate on joint reduction initiatives
Allocate volume to most CO2 effective suppliers
Optimize insourcing vs outsourcing
Optimize logistics
Shift to greener alternatives for raw materials
Redesign for lower carbon impact
Shift to recyclable packaging
Partner across the value chain (eg. circular models such as recycling initiatives)
Create broader industry partnerships (eg. joint supplier initiatives)
Configure the value chain (eg. vertical integrations)


Ready to accelerate your
decarbonization journey?

See our enterprise supply chain management software in action